Histological diagnosis made on the basis of incisional biopsy can have pitfalls if the biopsy is not taken from the representative site, therefore, thorough examination of the excised specimen is essential for the confirmation of the diagnosis. Here we describe a case that on incisional biopsy was thought to be an invasive salivary gland tumor but the excised specimen revealed ameloblastoma, thus showing the importance of excised specimen in reaching conclusive diagnosis.
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Histological diagnosis made on the basis of incisional biopsy can have pitfalls if the biopsy is not taken from the representative site, therefore, thorough examination of the excised specimen is essential for the confirmation of the diagnosis. Here we describe a case that on incisional biopsy was thought to be an invasive salivary gland tumor but the excised specimen revealed ameloblastoma, thus showing the importance of excised specimen in reaching conclusive diagnosis.